• In the Garden

    August 2021 Garden Update

    How is your garden growing? 🙂 Ours is doing pretty well. I’m very happy with the changes we made to our vegetable garden this year. I injured my back and had a couple of long days sitting and resting, so…

  • ear of fresh corn
    In the Garden

    Tips for the Beginning Gardener

    If you know me, then you know I LOVE to garden. I am in my sixth or seventh year of serious gardening, and I’ve learned a lot of lessons since my beginning gardener days. If you are a beginning gardener,…

  • In the Garden

    Adding Beauty to Your Yard for Less

    One thing I like to do when we’re out is look for beautiful yards. I love yards full of flowers and trees and shrubs and grass and interesting pieces of yard art. However, the cost of buying these things for…