Savings and Goals Journal #8
The weather is getting warmer by the day! We’ve been in the high 90’s this week. I’m being sure to get my outdoor work finished early and am working indoors during the hot middle part of the day. Then I go back outdoors in the evening when it has cooled off. I have plenty to do both indoors and out!

I’m finding it’s important to review our budget and make adjustments when needed. For example, I was budgeting our grocery and household money by paycheck. My husband gets paid twice a month. I was having a hard time staying within the budgeted amount. I split the amount into a weekly amount and am now doing much better. The total is the same, but it works better for me to have a set amount for each week, rather than for two weeks at a time. It might seem silly, but it works, so I’m sticking with it!
In the Kitchen
Again, our biggest savings this week in the kitchen came from following our meal plan and being sure we used up all the leftovers so nothing went to waste. Everyone in my family has been a really good sport about having a few somewhat random dinners to be sure everything was used. My older daughter has been eating more meals at her house, so that saves a little money since we are feeding one less adult.
This week’s meal plan:
- Monday: Leftovers
- Tuesday: Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole
- Wednesday: Frito Pies
- Thursday: Leftovers
- Friday: Leftovers
- Saturday: Black Bean Burgers, Zucchini/Potato hashbrowns
- Sunday: Grilled Chicken, salad
I don’t have a recipe for the Zucchini/Potato hashbrowns, but here is one that is similar to how we make them. I am using frozen shredded zucchini from my freezer to use it up before this year’s zucchini crop comes in. I drain off as much water as I can when using frozen zucchini in this recipe. It helps it not be mushy.
I tried a new recipe last week for Philly Cheesesteak Casserole. My husband loved it. We have developed a sort of code over the years of how he gives me his opinion on new recipes. If he likes something a lot, he says it’s a “keeper.” If something is just okay and he wouldn’t mind if I didn’t make it again, he says it’s “pretty good” or “all right.” If he really, really doesn’t like it, he tells me it’s “interesting,” and I know to toss that recipe. This has worked well in our 24 years of marriage.
Regarding the Philly Cheesesteak Casserole recipe: It was good. However, it used two pounds of hamburger. With the cost of meat these days, that is something I would change. If I do make it again, I will cut back on the meat and add more peppers and onions. During the summer I grow lots of bell peppers and slice or chop and freeze the excess for use all year. This would make the recipe pretty economical for me.
I am going to make more of an effort to scan the sale ads for really good deals. I have gotten in the habit of using grocery pickup at WalMart and Sam’s club and haven’t been checking the local grocery ads.
In the Garden
The garden is mostly in maintenance mode right now, in between planting and harvesting. I weed and water and weed and water. I’ve given up on growing lettuce or spinach for now. It bolts before I can harvest hardly anything. I will try again in the fall when it starts to cool off.

I spent a morning setting up drip irrigation for the squash and okra plants. I was able to use supplies my dad had given me a while back, so there was no cost.
Home and Family
As my decluttering journey continues, I am finding it relatively easy to let go of craft supplies. I thought that would be more difficult since I was such an avid crafter in years past. I am working my way to the more sentimental items and that will be harder for me. I’ve kept entirely too many of my childrens’ school papers and such. I am hoping I can let go more of them.
I am also very excited about something I read about in this book. The author talks about something called “The Ten-Item Wardrobe.” Over the years, my clothing habits have become slouchy. I’m mostly at home, either cleaning, working outdoors, or chasing grandbabies. I don’t dress nicely often, and since I’ve lost weight, I think this is the perfect time to update my clothing. I’m hoping to find most things at the thrift store or yard sales. I’d just like clothing that fits well and that I feel confident in.
We celebrated Father’s Day at home. My daughters cooked a meal for my husband and brought him an iced coffee from a coffee shop he likes, and some fresh homemade salsa we bought from a friend.
We also celebrated our wedding anniversary. We ordered takeout and spent the evening at home. We watched a movie together on Netflix.
We did venture out to a yard sale where my husband found a pair of shorts and a pair of pants in his size for a total of $1.50. The same pants at the store were nearly $30! My daughter found a brand new package of socks for $1.00. We picked up a couple of toys for the grandbabies for a quarter each and they have been enjoying them.
My husband and I finally started painting our porch. We had a new porch built last fall. We opted to have a porch with a ramp built, instead of stairs. We also had our friend who built it install a gate at the end of the ramp, as our front area is not fenced from the road. It has made taking the two toddlers to the car a bit less frazzling. Painting it is pretty time-consuming. We did have to buy primer, but we had the paint color for the top coat.
We are busy doing lots of things, but I’m trying to keep the budget in mind with everything we do, because all the spending on little things can really add up.
Have a wonderful week!