Savings and Goals Journal #4
We had a simple and relaxing Mother’s Day celebration at home. My gifts were soil to replenish some of my garden containers and a nice dinner made by my family. This week was a busy and rewarding week of little money-saving projects.
In the Kitchen
I baked 2 loaves of pumpkin bread and 2 batches of pumpkin pie baked oatmeal using a large can of pumpkin I had bought on clearance after the holidays. We eat pumpkin bread year-round, not just in the fall.

My daughter bought the ingredients for a meal and cooked it. So, one of my meals for this week’s meal plan can be moved to next week.
This week’s meal plan:
- Monday-Chef’s Salads
- Tuesday-Tortilla Chip Casserole
- Wednesday-leftovers
- Thursday-Meatloaf, rice, steamed veg
- Friday-Grilled Pork Chops, salad
- Saturday-Leftovers
- Sunday-Roast chicken, salad, biscuits
In the Garden
The seeds I planted are coming up. Zinnias are so rewarding to grow. The seeds sprout easily. The plants bloom like crazy. I just love them. I have lots more okra plants than I had planned on. I might be sharing some of those.
I have many extra tomato plants that I started from seed. I am not good at thinning the seedlings. I try to give every little plant a chance. And then I end up with too many. We shared some with my husband’s co-worker, and a friend of my step-mother’s may take some. If I have any extra after that, I am going to put them near the driveway with a “Free” sign. I am sure they will find homes. Even after giving away 25 or so, I will still be left with around 50 plants. I will can tomato products for my household of six, my dad and step-mother, and a few for my step-mother’s mom and uncle.

My husband and I went to Lowe’s with the intention of buying wood and soil to make two raised beds. Lowe’s was sold out of many types of wood because so many people are home doing projects. We decided not to make raised beds this year. We will keep using the swimming pools we’ve been using for raised beds in our kitchen garden for another year, and plant in the ground in the garden as we have in years past. I had amended an area of the small garden this winter with the composted bedding from the chicken coops. That soil is looking better. We saved around $150.00 by not building raised beds and just purchasing some soil.
I amended the soil in a large round planter near our smaller garden. It is in an area that receives quite a bit of shade. It hasn’t been used in several years. I divided the area into sections and planted a variety of seeds for greens. We love all sorts of greens cooked with bacon. For now I have it well-protected with fencing around it to keep my free-range chickens out. Next week my husband will repair the gate into that garden area.
I moved a climbing rosebush from in front of our house to the flower bed next to our front porch. It looked insulted for several days but is beginning to recover. We’d planned to buy a rosebush last year but never got around to it. Part of my plan for this year’s garden is to divide and relocate several perennials instead of buying more plants. Next week I’ll move some daisies from the front of the house to the back yard and the flower garden near the driveway.
I moved several strawberry plants from our small garden to the kitchen garden next to the childrens’ play yard. My puppy stole one and chewed it up so I’ll be replacing it. That made me glad I hadn’t bought the plants! I’d like to have several things growing in that garden to snack on while we are outside.

Home and Family
We sold our very old, broken car. It cost money to keep registered and insured and even when it ran we rarely used it. I usually go with my husband or daughter when I go somewhere. If I do need a car I can use my daughter’s car or my husband’s little commuter car and he can take his truck to work.
I had some cute outdoor decorations I’d gotten at Dollar General at the end of summer last year. Many of the things were less than 25 cents each. I have been finding places to put them outdoors to make our outdoor spaces pretty.

Our friend who is the wonderful seamstress has offered to make masks for our family. We don’t have any fabric ones, only the kind from the store. Hopefully these will be more comfortable to wear if we do have to go out.
Stay well and have a great week!