Savings and Goals Journal #12
Once again, time has slipped by and I missed my weekly post last week. So this one is two weeks in one post.

I am feeling blessed that my young adult daughters are taking an interest in budgeting.
My youngest daughter is creating a paper budget for herself and is considering more ways to stay within her budget and avoid impulse buys. The obvious idea to me is to use cash, which she has thought of doing, but right now with the change shortage, many places request that you use exact change or a debit card. I’ve suggested she do what I do, which is use her debit card, but write down every single purchase.
My older daughter is considering some life changes (moving, job change, buying a home). She has been busy crunching numbers and making lists of what she’d need to make all this happen. Right now her living expenses are low since she lives in her remodeled RV on the same property where we live. She would have a lot more expenses owning a home. If her remodeled RV is any indication of her talent in decorating on a budget, she will be able to make a home beautiful very inexpensively!
I’m so proud of both of them for being responsible with their finances. The earlier you start, the better!
In the Kitchen
In our state, restaurants had been closed for indoor dining. Then they opened for a while. And now they are closed for indoor dining again. People can order takeout or eat outside if the restaurant offers outdoor seating. We ate at restaurants occasionally before, but I haven’t missed it. I think I prefer to eat at home, even if I do have to wash dishes!
Last week’s meal plan
- Monday: Leftovers
- Tuesday: Frito Pies
- Wednesday: Chicken Tater Tot Casserole
- Thursday: Leftovers
- Friday: Meatloaf, potato patties, green beans
- Saturday: Leftovers
- Sunday: Roasted Rosemary Chicken and Potatoes, beets, stuffed zucchini, jalapeno poppers

This week’s meal plan
- Monday: Leftovers
- Tuesday: Pinto Beans and Ham, cornbread
- Wednesday: Leftovers
- Thursday: Waffles, eggs, fruit
- Friday: Mexican Stroganoff, rice, salad
- Saturday: Leftovers
- Sunday: Teriyaki Burgers, stir-fry veg, rice, salad
I’m going to decrease spending on grocery/household needs a bit by making more frugal meals, shopping the pantry and freezers and more carefully considering things before I buy them. I feel like I’ve begun to slip a little and I’m not being as careful as I could be with the spending. Every bit of money I can save, even the little tiny bits, can help pay down our bills or go into our savings.
In the Garden
We are starting to harvest from the garden. We’ve gotten 6 zucchini, some green chile, jalapenos, potatoes and beets. And three tomatoes! We were happy to work these into our menu this week. Fresh veggies are so delicious!

It has been raining a lot in the afternoons and evenings. One night it rained so hard it flooded and the road into town was closed due to all the mud. At our house it is just muddy, soggy and humid. I haven’t had to water the garden for a while. I have a tomato plant that is looking bad. I’m not sure if it’s some type of plant issue, or it just got beaten to death by the rain. I’m going to do some pruning and see if it improves.
Home and Family
On the way to drop the grandbabies by their other grandma’s house, my daughter and I saw a yard sale sign and decided to stop. It was on a Monday, which is not a usual day for a yard sale. But we’re so glad we went. We found a toddler bed for our granddaughter. It’s a sleigh bed style, and so cute. It was a dark wood, which didn’t go with the grey/white colors in the bedroom, so we painted it white. She loves her big girl bed! We are now on the hunt for the perfect blanket for it. I might have to sew one. I am looking for ways to recycle the crib into something new. I’ve seen them made into benches and things.

At another yard sale, my husband found two pairs of shorts in his size. Now he can get rid of the ones that are too big for him. One of them was brand-new with the $25 price tag still attached. He paid $3.
We went through the grandbabies’ clothing and got rid of one and a half diaper boxes of clothes. Now they have just the right amount. Overstuffed drawers of clothing are no fun. We also rearranged the clothing in the drawers since they like to choose their pajamas for bed. They are now in the bottom drawer so they are easier for them to reach. Such independent little one- and two-year-olds!
I think that’s all for this week. I’m hoping to have some great savings for the week coming up as I focus more on my frugal activities. Have a great week!