Home and Family

  • Home and Family

    Home Makeover Coming Up!

    I can’t believe it’s been a year since we packed up the last of our things and moved from New Mexico to Colorado. For the most part, the days go quickly. I have a house full of busy little ones…

  • Home and Family

    Winter Plans!

    While my preference is for warm weather and lots of sunshine and being outdoors, I am also learning to embrace darker and colder parts of the year. Each season does have its own beauty, if we take the time to…

  • Home and Family

    New Year…New Everything!

    This post isn’t really budget-related. It’s been such a long time since my last post. It was sometime in June of 2022 when I last worked on my blog. We’ve had some major life changes in the last six months.…

  • Kids' Stuff

    Homemade Playdough Recipe

    I’ve often used this homemade playdough recipe to keep kids busy at the kitchen table while I’m working at the counter. When you’re working away in the kitchen, preparing yummy things for your holiday feast, it’s great to have something…

  • Organizing

    How Getting Organized Is Helping Us Save Money

    We’re getting organized! Taking the time to get our belongings, home and schedule in order is having a positive effect on our finances. We organized our tools and DIY supplies. We do quite a few home improvement projects. Our tools…

  • Home and Family

    Too Much Stuff! What To Do?

    I looked around our house the other day and thought to myself, “We have too much stuff!” Our little house is just about to burst at the seams. There are Grampy, myself, a daughter, two grandbabies and a gaggle of…

  • Home and Family

    Budgeting Blogs and YouTube Channels

    Today I’m sharing some of my favorite budgeting blogs and YouTube channels. I’ve been reading and watching these folks for a while and feel that there is a lot of value in their content. If budgeting is new for you,…