Budgeting Blogs and YouTube Channels
Today I’m sharing some of my favorite budgeting blogs and YouTube channels. I’ve been reading and watching these folks for a while and feel that there is a lot of value in their content.
If budgeting is new for you, there is a lot to learn. Maybe you’re trying to learn some simple and inexpensive recipes so you can cook more at home and save money. Maybe you’re wanting information on how to make a budget. Or, if you’ve been budgeting for a long time, maybe you’re feeling stuck and need a little motivation to keep going. Blogs and YouTube channels are great resources to learn from.
So, I’m going to list, in no particular order, the blogs and YouTube channels I read or watch the most.

The Prudent Homemaker. This was one of the first budget-related blogs I ever read, and I still read her posts every week. Her website is full of awesome recipes, ideas, and encouragement for those living on a budget. She inspires me to do more with what I have. One of my favorite recipes from her blog is this one for Chicken Fried Steak. It’s actually meatless and my family really likes it.
The Legacy of Home. This is my favorite blog to read when I’m needing encouragement that it’s okay to live a simple life. The blog author also publishes books, and I recently purchased her book An Old Fashioned Budget. It has changed the way I do my budget and I am so happy. Lots of encouragement here for homemakers. (This is not an affiliate link since I am not set up for that. I just really like this book!) My own budgeting system is modeled after the information in this post, The Housekeeper’s Budget.
Frugal Debt Free Life. This is another blog that encourages me. Budgeting can be hard. Lydia shares how her family lives a fulfilling life on a budget. I enjoyed this post about stopping the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle.
Medium Sized Family. I like this blog for the money-saving ideas shared. There is also an associated Facebook group that shares lots of great tips. I really like the “Five Ways We’ve Saved” posts each week.
Little House Living. This blog celebrates the simple life in such a great way. There are so many wonderful recipes and ideas here. Her motto is “making the most with what you have.” I always feel uplifted and motivated after reading this blog.
YouTube Channels
Lydia Senn. This is the YouTube channel of the author of the Frugal Debt Free Life blog. She’s funny, upbeat and honest. She is much farther along in her financial journey than I am, but shares how they got to where they are today.
Roots and Refuge Farm. This is not really budgeting-related. It is more farm and garden material. I have learned so much about gardening from this channel. Especially about growing tomatoes. And, I think gardening can help you save money, so I included it.
Frugal Fit Mom. This lady has great ideas for stretching the grocery budget, while still making good food.

I read other blogs and watch other YouTube channels occasionally, but these are my favorites. Do you have any budgeting blogs and YouTube channels you’d like to share?