• Savings and Goals Journal

    Savings and Goals Journal #38

    It’s been a while since my last check-in. I’ve had a busy couple of weeks. We’ve had some challenges that will help us exercise our budgeting skills. Life does happen. That’s why we’ve been trying so hard to set aside those “just-in-case” funds. We knew we’d pay our income taxes…

  • Goals

    Goals Update March 2021

    I’m still working away at my goals for the year! I’ve had some times where I’ve felt less focused, but overall, I’m making my usual small but steady progress. Here is my progress for the month of March. Career: Goal: Begin working outside the home in the summer or fall…

  • Recipes

    Turkey Patties

    This recipe started with a basic poor man’s steak recipe that used ground turkey, crackers, water, and salt and pepper. We like those, but we like our food to have lots of flavor. I took that basic recipe and added lots of stuff. The result was a delicious turkey patty…