• Home and Family

    Too Much Stuff! What To Do?

    I looked around our house the other day and thought to myself, “We have too much stuff!” Our little house is just about to burst at the seams. There are Grampy, myself, a daughter, two grandbabies and a gaggle of pets. We are in a state of transition. Our eldest…

  • Savings and Goals Journal

    Saving and Goals Journal #5

    Our main focus has been getting the garden areas ready to plant our tomato and chile plants. In our area, we wait until Memorial Day weekend to plant our tomatoes and chiles. Between that and household chores, we’ve also been working on making our yard look nicer by trimming trees…

  • Budgeting 101

    Money-Saving Tips from My Mom

    In honor of Mother’s Day this month, I thought it would be nice to share some of the money-saving tips I learned from my mom. When I think about many of the things I am doing to help our financial situation improve, I realize my mom did many of these…

  • Savings and Goals Journal

    Savings and Goals Journal #2

    It’s time for another update of how we’ve saved money lately, and what our future money-saving plans are. In the Kitchen My kitchen savings haven’t been super lately. With this nice weather, I have been drawn outside and have been spending much less time puttering in the kitchen. I’ve gotten…