• Home and Family

    Budgeting Blogs and YouTube Channels

    Today I’m sharing some of my favorite budgeting blogs and YouTube channels. I’ve been reading and watching these folks for a while and feel that there is a lot of value in their content. If budgeting is new for you, there is a lot to learn. Maybe you’re trying to…

  • Budgeting 101

    When Your Budget Starts Working

    It’s a wonderful feeling when your budget starts working! I’ve been working hard on our budget for the last several months and things are starting to come together. Because we are being careful with our spending, our financial situation is improving bit by bit. And I am so happy! An…

  • Meal Planning

    Meal Planning: 3 Thrifty Tips

    Today in the kitchen, we’re talking about how meal planning can be a huge help in trimming the grocery budget. When you plan and eat a meal at home, you’re most likely saving some money. I’m a big fan of saving little bits of money here and there. So,  I’m…

  • Budgeting 101

    Little Ways to Save Money

    If you have a big savings goal or are working to pay off debt, it feels great to put a large amount of money toward your goal. However, even small amounts of money make a difference over time. This post is going to talk about little ways to save money…