• Home and Family

    Yard Sale Bargains!

    On Saturday morning, I was working away on my bathroom makeover while Grampy ran to WalMart to pick up our weekly grocery order. When he returned, he said, “They’re having that big yard sale at the Fairgounds.” Each year, our local humane society has a big yard sale. It actually started on Wednesday and went through Saturday, but we were busy chasing daycare kids during the week. When we got there, everything was half price and clothing was a dollar a bag. I found some useful things, and some things just for fun. There were still a lot of things…

  • Recipes

    Chicken Pot Pie

    When I was a young mom, my mother gave me a cookbook. It is from the Campbell’s soup company. One of my favorite recipes from it is for Chicken Pot Pie. I’ve adapted it over the years to my family’s…

  • Home and Family

    Kitchen Shelf Makeover

    I love making our home pretty on a budget! Now that my daughter has moved to her own place, I have the opportunity to do makeovers for her home as well! If I only had more time…But, I do accomplish…

  • Home and Family

    A Little Update…

    Hello! It’s been (again) several months since my last post. I have such good intentions, but I just haven’t had the free time to work much on the blog or my YouTube channel. I’m hoping to make some changes that…

  • Home and Family

    Home Makeover Coming Up!

    I can’t believe it’s been a year since we packed up the last of our things and moved from New Mexico to Colorado. For the most part, the days go quickly. I have a house full of busy little ones…

  • In the Kitchen

    A Busy, Happy Kitchen

    I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying, “The kitchen is the heart of the home.” It is certainly true at our house. We all seem to be in there a lot, sometimes all of us, which can make for a…

  • Home and Family

    Winter Plans!

    While my preference is for warm weather and lots of sunshine and being outdoors, I am also learning to embrace darker and colder parts of the year. Each season does have its own beauty, if we take the time to…