Savings and Goals Journal #31
We’ve had a cozy week at home, enjoying staying in out of the cold weather. I’ve been busy working on some tax stuff for my dad’s business. In my spare time, I’m working toward my Goals for 2021. Things are going pretty well. I’ll be sharing my January progress at the end of the month.

In the Kitchen
We’re still eating from the freezers and pantry. I did pick up a few things that were on a great sale. Whole chickens were 59 cents per pound and pasta sauce was 19 cents per jar at Safeway. There was a limit of two of each item, but at those prices, I couldn’t resist!
This week’s meal plan:
- Sunday: Beef Nacho Casserole, Spanish rice, cake and ice cream (granddaughter’s birthday!)
- Monday: Chili dogs, chips, fresh veggies
- Tuesday: Scrambled eggs, ham, biscuits, fruit
- Wednesday: Italian pork chops, Normandy blend veggies, brown rice
- Thursday: Leftovers
- Friday: Split pea soup, cornbread
- Saturday: Leftovers
I did move two meals from last week to this week. I brought the sale chickens home and roasted them, so we had chicken instead of the meals I’d planned for the end of last week. There was plenty of chicken left to freeze to use later in casseroles, wraps or soup.
My stepmom had purchased some local grass-fed beef and gave us two pounds of hamburger. Early in the week, I attended a doctor’s appointment with my stepmom’s mother and she bought me a sandwich for lunch while we were out.
In the Garden
I spread some compost in the East garden on a day when the weather wasn’t too bad. Grampy decided we did need to purchase one type of seeds. He ordered Ajvarski peppers from Baker Creek seeds. He also wanted Canada Crookneck Squash, but they were sold out. He’s wanted to try the peppers for a couple of years. They are a red roasting pepper.
Home and Family
The laundry area project continues! After searching for cabinet knobs that were reasonably priced, I finally bought a can of spray paint and painted my existing knobs. This should save quite a bit of money over buying new knobs for the kitchen.

It can be so easy for me to let the cost of a DIY project get completely out of control. There are a lot of things to fix in our little house, so I need to save where I can. And I want to have some money for a few fun updates.
Have a wonderful week!